While these 2 platforms hold a similar name, they actually couldn't be more different! :-)

The 2x4HD has 10x more processing power, USB audio streaming, and a lot more control features. It's the next-generation platform based on XMOS + SHARC DSP. Here is a good summary table:


miniDSP 2x4

miniDSP 2x4HD

28/56bit Fixed-point DSP EngineADSP12489 400MHz Sharc floating-point DSP
24 bit ADC/DAC resolution24 bit ADC/DAC resolution
Unbalanced analog audio inputs switchable with a jumper between  0.9Vrms  and 2VrmsUnbalanced analog audio inputs switchable with a jumper between  4Vrms and 2Vrms
Digital I/O: I2S in/outDigital I/O: USB audio & Toslink (44.1~192kHz), I2S I/O (not enabled yet)
Unbalanced analog audio outputs:  Max 0.9Vrms Unbalanced analog audio outputs:  Max 2Vrms
Plug&Play USB driver and real-time Software configuration using miniDSP plug-insPlug&Play USB driver and real-time Software configuration using miniDSP plug-ins
N/AAsynchronous USB Audio Class  2 Bidirectional streaming  with ASIO drivers under Windows, driverless under MAC Osx
The device does not require a PC once configuredThe device does not require a PC once configured
Software:  miniDSP 2x4 plug-insSoftware:  miniDSP 2x4 HD1 plug-in
Control: Volume control by a potentiometer on a 3pin headerControl: IR remote + multicolor LED for preset indication
USB self-powered device and wide range of DC power options (4.5 to 24VDC)External single 12V supply (UK/EU/US/AU adaptors provided)
Price: 105USDPrice: 205USD